[DomTerm]996$ # Test of a Java class for pretty-printing nested structures
[DomTerm]997$ java org.domterm.util.PrintNested
info: GET /foo/endpointinfo: user <user ID> valid auth{ key1: 98789767; key2: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}array(5)[ 0: 3; 1: 4;2: info1 - request to service Ainfo1a - request took 1 secondsinfo1b - request took 1 seconds; 3: info2;4: array(3)[ 0: 11099011;1: array(2)[ 0: 13008821; 1: 13008822]; 2: 12099012]]info3 - request to service Bdebug - opening new connectionnext linedebug - success, result = ...info - request took 1 secondsinfo - http request took 3 seconds abcdefghiinfo - preparing result took 1 seconds
[DomTerm]998$ echo A long line with Runes ᚻᛖ ᚳᚹᚫᚦ ᚦᚫᛏ ᚻᛖ ᛒᚢᛞᛖ, Kanji 漢字-学年別漢字配当表, and Emoji 😂🔑🌈😀.
A long line with Runes ᚻᛖ ᚳᚹᚫᚦ ᚦᚫᛏ ᚻᛖ ᛒᚢᛞᛖ, Kanji 漢字-学年別漢字配当表, and Emoji 😂🔑🌈😀.
[DomTerm]999$ # Pretty-printing by Kawa Scheme
[DomTerm]1000$ kawa
#|kawa:1|# (define vec1 #((3 4 "abc") 9 "DEFGHI"))
#|kawa:2|# (list vec1 vec1 9 '(a (b c)) 8 7 (list vec1 5 vec1))
(#((3 4 abc) 9 DEFGHI) #((3 4 abc) 9 DEFGHI) 9 (a (b c)) 8 7 (#((3 4 abc) 9 DEFGHI) 5 #((3 4 abc) 9 DEFGHI)))
#|kawa:3|# (exit)
[DomTerm]1001$ # Pretty-print internal tree form of each Kawa expression
[DomTerm]1002$ kawa --debug-print-expr
#|kawa:1|# (define (factorial x) (if (< x 2) 1 (* x (factorial (- x 1)))))
(Module/atInteractiveLevel-1/1/ (Declarations: factorial#327/fl:408c8::gnu.mapping.Procedure) (Define line:1:1-64 /Declaration[factorial#327] (Lambda/factorial/58/fl:0 line:1:10-19 (x#328/fl:80000040040(ignorable)) name: factorial (If (Apply line:1:27-34 (Ref/135/applyToArgs#2) (Ref/134/</numLss#177) (Ref/136/x#328) (Quote 2)) (Quote 1) (Apply line:1:37-62 (Ref/138/applyToArgs#2) (Ref/137/*/TIMES#147) (Ref/139/x#328) (Apply line:1:42-61 (Ref/141/applyToArgs#2) (Ref/140/factorial#327) (Apply line:1:53-60 (Ref/143/applyToArgs#2) (Ref/142/-/MINUS#146) (Ref/144/x#328) (Quote 1))))))))]
#|kawa:2|# (factorial 60)
(Module/atInteractiveLevel-2/63/ () (Apply line:2:1-15 (Ref/148/applyToArgs#2) (Ref/147/factorial#327) (Quote 60)))]